In the article published on July 11, 2019 in L’USINE NOUVELLE, Alice Bellilchi, partner Steering Legal Marseille, reviews the major changes brought by the PACTE law in company law : obligation to appoint a statutory auditor, simplified audit, facilitated current account advances, extended inter-company loans, consideration by companies of social and environmental issues, creation of a sustainability fund, measures to make company operations more flexible (annual accounts, BSPCE, free shares, preference shares …) before concluding :
Often described as a “catch-all” law, the Pacte law has the merit of not adding new obligations to companies and of trying to make their operations more flexible. One would have hoped, however, that the legislator would have gone further along this path of simplification in order to improve their competitiveness.
Read the article on the Covenant Act, L’Usine Nouvelle N° 3619, section on Law, 11 July 2019.