The Steering Legal law firm has been recognised by Décideurs magazine for its expertise in the following Leaders League rankings:
- Wealth management
2016 Rankings of the best law firms in France – Regularisation & Litigation – Wealth taxation
Category “Indispensable”
Laurent Moury | Amélie Lièvre-Gravereaux | Florian Guais - Wealth management
2016 Rankings of the best law firms in France – Wealth taxation
Category “Excellent”
Laurent Moury | Amélie Lièvre-Gravereaux - Mergers & Acquisitions
2015-2016 Rankings of the best law firms in France – Transaction taxation
Category “Strong reputation”
Laurent Moury | Florian Guais - Corporate taxation
2015-2016 Rankings of the best law firms in France – Taxation of international groups
Category “Strong reputation”
Laurent Moury - Corporate taxation
2015-2016 Rankings of the best law firms in France – Tax litigation and assistance with recovery
Category “Strong reputation”
Laurent Moury | Amélie Lièvre-Gravereaux | Florian Guais - Litigation & Arbitration
2016 Rankings of the best law firms in France – Litigation & Arbitration – Commercial litigation
Category “Outstanding practice”
Mathias Audit | Sébastien Fleury - Mergers & Acquisitions
2016 Rankings of the best law firms in France – Mergers & Acquisitions – Operations up to €75m
Category “High quality practice”
Olivier Guinard
Nuno de Ayala Boaventura appears in the 2016 Rankings – Mergers & Acquisitions – for Operations between €75m and €500m in the “Excellent” Category and in the 2016 Rankings – Litigation & Arbitration – Financial litigation and long term financing, in the “Strong Reputation” Category.