Forthcoming developments in the banking and financial sector

The bill aimed at “increasing the financing of businesses and the attractiveness of France” caps the amount of indemnities for dismissal without real and serious cause for “risk taker” employees.

The bill has capped the monthly remuneration applied to the scale of compensation for dismissal without real and serious cause (provided for in article L.1235-3 of the French Labor Code), that may be received by a dismissed risk taker employee, at one annual social security ceiling (i.e. EUR 46,368.00 in 2024). Accordingly, in 2024, the indemnity for unfair dismissal would be limited to EUR 927,360.00 for a risk taker employee with 30 years’ seniority or more.

The bill amends Article L.511-84-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code accordingly, and specifies that these new provisions will apply to dismissals notified after publication of the bill.

Gwenaelle Artur and César Solis are specialists in employee compensation in the banking and financial sector.


20240604 Extrait texte adopté en commission mixte paritaire 28 mai 2024