How to manage paid leave under the new provisions of the law of 22 April 2024

The law of 22 April 2024, which brought French law into line with European Union law on the acquisition of paid leave during sick leave, came into force on 24 April.

It lays down new rules for the acquisition of paid leave during a period of absence from work, whether work-related or not, the creation of a 15-month carry-over period, the obligation for employers to inform employees of their leave entitlements, and the retroactive application of these provisions.

How should the obligation to inform employees be implemented, and how do the rules on deferring paid leave apply in practice? How do the new provisions apply to contracts terminated before the law came into force and to contracts still in progress?


On Wednesday 28 May 2024, Gwenaëlle Artur and César Solis, from the Employment Team, had the pleasure of leading a training session for numeum members on the subject of ‘how to manage paid leave under the new provisions of the law of 22 April 2024’.


Many thanks to Valérie Roulleau and Marion Gondelmann-Deniel for organising this very interesting and topical webinar, which was followed by many practical questions from Numeum members.


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